Art Gallery
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new.gif (162 bytes)  are the latest additions
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berry.jpg (58659 bytes) mcqueen4.jpg (226050 bytes) scared.jpg (42969 bytes)

"Portrait of Maqueen"
Michele Berry

"The Briefing Room"
Maike Liedtke

KS Eaton

lewis.jpg (53550 bytes) profiler.jpg (61897 bytes) theman.jpg (51353 bytes) millenart.jpg (70413 bytes)

"Lewis" from PREY
Lucy Mann

Lucy Mann

"The Man"
Lucy Mann

Lucy Mann

nsjames.jpg (53079 bytes) tank.jpg (46121 bytes) angeleyes.jpg (46474 bytes) tcmcqueen.jpg (99554 bytes)

"North & South II"
Lucy Mann

"Tank in a Tank"
Lucy Mann

"Angel Eyes"
Lucy Mann

"LCOL T.C. McQueen"
Lucy Mann

"The Inquiry"

Maike Liedtke
new.gif (162 bytes)
"Cross Stitch"
Vickie Richardson
faithful.jpg (48113 bytes) angriestangel.jpg (28800 bytes) queen6.jpg (29930 bytes)

"Always Faithful"
James T. Wappel

"The Angriest Angel"
James T. Wappel

"Queen 6"
Lisa Kohles

skull.jpg (33815 bytes) lion.jpg (58250 bytes) RedPlanet.jpg (38392 bytes)

"El Skull Salvador"
Daniel WOLF

Daniel WOLF

Daniel WOLF


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